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Beer Cruise Ends In Disappointment For 121 People After Boat Runs Aground Near Statue Of Liberty

While the Statue of Liberty is definitely a prime tourist attraction, 121 beer enthusiasts were likely not too happy to be run aground near the Green Lady over the weekend, when their booze cruise as unexpectedly cut short.

A tour company ferrying guests around on a sailboat as part of a beer-tasting cruise of Lower Manhattan said 121 passengers and nine crew members had to be offloaded when the boat got stuck part way through the tour, reports WABC-7.

No one was injured during the hour-and-a-half ordeal, which involved nine boats from law enforcement and the Coast Guard showing up to retrieve passengers.

There’s no word on whether those people ever got their fill of beer or were left hopelessly thirsty, but a bride and groom scheduled to take the same boat later that night for their nuptials were probably not too happy to hear the boat ride would be canceled. Time for a drink for everyone, it seems.


by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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