Americans Will Spend $34 Million On Consumer Electronics This Holiday Season Cats: not one of the top 5 gadgets. frankieleon ) What consumer items do you have your eye on this year? The Consumer ... Cats: not one of the top 5 gadgets. frankieleon ) What consumer items do you have your eye on this year? The Consumer ... ( photographybynatalia ) As you may have noticed, we don’t do much updating on weekends. It’s not because we don’t wa... ( frankieleon ) When faced with annoying circumstances in life, one must simply ask how the situation could possibly ... ( Adam A. Koch ) If you attended an American elementary school during the last three decades, you might have taken par... These are also crabs. ( tjean314 ) While you’re sitting there wondering if you can just fly this goshdarn plane itse... ( ianfinessey ) With both Android and iOS phones making privacy updates that will make it impossible for Google or Ap... ( CNNMoney ) Do you see that, off in the distance? Where flying cars are zooming around without a human hand to guide... This was the review that the supplement company posted on the same complaints site that it is suing. Problem is, Ribe... The moment when an elderly relative of yours uses a word that is completely unacceptable in today’s society (and was b... No lava here. For now. ( Karen Chappell ) Do you sit and read every word of every document that you sign? Probably not... ( sunilgarg ) When you’ve gotta go, you’ve gotta go. And when you’re eight months pregnant with a small human inside ... ( Great Beyond ) Between bad weather and a surge in last-minute deliveries, the 2013 holiday season was a bit of a di... While some people swear by certain pizza chains, others see little difference between a pie from Domino’s ... These people are standing in line for iPhones, but many are probably paid. ( nikony13 ) It makes sense that people who... Employees at Marriott’s Gaylord Opryland Hotel and Convention Center were using the hotel’s WiFi monitoring system to... ( Josh ) Facebook is already a hotbed for your hypochondriac and conspiracy theorist friends to post poorly sourced or... ( IKEA on YouTube ) Many an epic ballad chronicling triumph and woe has been sung by IKEA customers struggling to put ...
Packers 42 x Vikings 10 ReShare By @sportscenter: “Eddie Lacy and the Packers leave Minnesota in their dust, 42-10.” #officialplugmag #offic... ( frankieleon ) “Oh, goodie! I get to sit in coach for X amount of hours! I can’t wait to stretch out and relax,” sai... Here are ten of the best photos that readers added to the Consumerist Flickr Pool in the last week, picked for usabil... ( paul bica ) It’s the track on infinite repeat this year, it seems: General Motors has issued a recall of 524,000 v...