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ReShare By @sportscenter: “BREAKING: Adrian Peterson has...

ReShare By @sportscenter:

“BREAKING: Adrian Peterson has been suspended for at least the remainder of the 2014 season.” NBC Sports reports The NFL just announced that running back Adrian Peterson would be suspended for at least the rest of the year, without pay, for violations of the league’s personal conduct policy.

He will not be considered for reinstatement before April 15, 2015.

The league’s full release, including discussion of the requirements Peterson must fulfill for reinstatement, can be read here.

In the league’s letter to Peterson, commissioner Roger Goodell said: “The timing of your potential reinstatement will be based on the results of the counseling and treatment program set forth in this decision. Under this two-step approach, the precise length of the suspension will depend on your actions. We are prepared to put in place a program that can help you to succeed, but no program can succeed without your genuine and continuing engagement. You must commit yourself to your counseling and rehabilitative effort, properly care for your children, and have no further violations of law or league policy.”

Peterson has three days to appeal the decision, and based on previous stances taken by his side, you can count on that. #officialplugmag #officialplugmagazine #pluggedinsports #pluggedinnfl #adrianpeterson

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