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Taco Bell’s Dollar Cravings Menu Rolls Out Nationwide Today

dollarcravingstb It seems like a faraway land in a far-off time when Taco Bell was working extra hard on its “We’re Healthy, Promise!” image with the Cantina Bell menu, doesn’t it? Which makes the nationwide rollout of cheaper, more Taco Bellish fare today feel inevitable, in a way.

We first heard the chain was testing its Dollar Cravings menu, a switch from the previous Why Pay More! menu, which seemed to ask a question but really didn’t, over a year ago. This will be the company’s first national value menu offering.

Today those $1 items go national, with 11 new additions including something called a beefy Fritos burrito, chicken mini quesadilla, a cheese roll up, potato soft taco and cinnamon twists.

New food and lowered prices isn’t anything new — Taco Bell is hoping the novelty of different food paired with a low price will make people buy a lot, because hey, it’s only $1 and no one is telling me to be healthy. And then come back and buy some more.

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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